SNMP - 161
# footprinting
snmpwalk -v2c -c public ip
# enumerate entire MIB tree
snmpwalk -c public -v1 -t 10 ip
# If we do not know the community string, we can use onesixtyone and SecLists wordlists to identify these community strings.
# Installation
sudo apt install onesixtyone
# Brute force Community Strings
onesixtyone -c /opt/useful/SecLists/Discovery/SNMP/snmp.txt ip
# If we know a community string, we can use it with braa to brute-force the individual OIDs and enumerate the information behind them.
# Installation
sudo apt install braa
# Syntax
braa <community string>@<IP>:.1.3.6.*
# Example
braa public@*
Last updated