# to interact with smtp server
telnet ip 25
HELO mail1.nothing.htb
EHLO mail1.nothing.htb
# VRFY - can be used to enumerate existing users on the system
VRFY root
# EXPN - when used with a distribution list, it will list all users on that list
EXPN john
# USER - we can use the command USER followed by the username, and if the server responds OK. This means that the user exists on the server.
# find all SMTP error codes here : <https://serversmtp.com/smtp-error/>
# Send an Email
EHLO nothing.htb
MAIL FROM: <user@nothing.htb>
RCPT TO: <user@nothing.htb>
# nmap scan for SMTP
nmap ip -sC -sV -p25
# nmap open relay scan
nmap ip -p25 --script smtp-open-relay -v
swaks --from notifications@something.com --to employees@something.com --header 'Subject: Company Notification' --body 'Hi All, Please complete the following survey. <http://mycustomphishinglink.com/>' --server ip
Brute force users
# smtp-user-enum tool
smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U user.txt -t ip
# with domain
smtp-user-enum -M RCPT -U userlist.txt -D nothing.htb -t ip