# Anonymous Login
ftp ip
# vsFTPd status
# vsFTPd Detailed Output
# Recursive Listing
ls -R
# Download a file
get filename
# Download All Available Files
wget -m --no-passive <ftp://anonymous:anonymous@>
# Upload a file
put filename
# Netcat
nc -nv ip 21
# telnet
telnet ip 21
# Using OpenSSl for TLS/SSL encryption
openssl s_client -connect -starttls ftp
Nmap FTP Scripts
# updating database of NSE scripts
sudo nmap --script-updatedb
# find the available ftp nmap scripts in system
find / -type f -name ftp* 2>/dev/null | grep scripts
# Nmap scan for FTP on port 21
nmap -sV -p21 -sC -A ip
# to trace the progress of NSE scripts
nmap -sV -p21 -sC -A ip --script-trace
Brute Forcing
# Medusa
# LINK : <https://github.com/jmk-foofus/medusa>
# Brute forcing using medusa
medusa -u fiona -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -h ip -M ftp